Online Celestial Photo Challenge

Aryabhatta Astronomy Club
01 April 2020 to 30 April 2020
Time: 12:00 pm until 11:00 pm

" This is an online event for all members of Aryabhatta Astronomical Society, Haldia, India. This is to encourage our members to take photos of celestial bodies as we all are in the home due to Coronavirus so this time can be utilized in a positive manner" Satakshi Chatterjee, Secretary Aryabhatta Astronomical Society, Haldia, India

"This will help members be positive and help in fighting depression in this tough times" S.P.Nayek Joint Secretary Aryabhatta Astronomical Society, Haldia, India


Contact Details:

Satakshi Chatterjee


Disabled Access:


Entry Fee:



Aryabhatta Astronomical Society , Haldia,India