All GAM 2012 Programs

NASA_logoTo celebrate Global Astronomy Month, the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and NASA invite you to share your own views of the universe in this exciting astrophotography contest. The images that YOU take using online robotic telescopes could be featured on the Observing With NASA home page!

Observing With NASA uses the MicroObservatory telescope network, five 3-feet tall telescopes designed completely for education. MicroObservatory is the only online telescope network that offers free nightly observing opportunities for aspiring astronomers of all ages. All you need is an email address and you can get started!

To enter the contest, take your own image with Observing With NASA, and then submit it along with a NASA image of the same celestial object. For example, if you take and process an image of the Lagoon Nebula using MicroObservatory, include an image of the Lagoon Nebula taken by a NASA telescope. It is okay if your image is very different from the NASA image! The idea is to look at the same object in two different ways, whether it be through different wavelengths of light, or through different creative lenses. We will have one winner for the best technical image, and one winner for the best astrocreative image. For examples, please see the MicroObservatory FaceBook page.

Deadline to enter your images is 30 April 2012.

For more information, please visit


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