All GAM 2012 Programs
21 April, 2012 (deadline)
Kids & Teens' MoonBounce Global Collaboration

Mission: Kids collaborating together on a global level to raise awareness about starlight preservation for future generations.
Kids & Teens' MoonBounce Global Collaboration for GAM2012.
The kids' version of the Celebrate Starlight photo mosaic poster that will be Moonbounced during Global Astronomy Month, video-taped and showcased at ALCon2012.
- Artwork from students grade 1-12 depicting why being able to see the starry night sky is important to them.
- Include words "Celebrate Starlight" within artwork or caption. As this is a global project, "Celebrate Starlight" will be spelled in the student's native language.
- Include student's name, grade level, country. School name and associated astronomy club can also be credited.
- Photos of children enjoying the starry night sky will also be considered, however the permission for use MUST be attached.
- Every appropriate entry will be included in a single photo mosaic composite and be visually Moonbounced using the Dwingeloo Radio Telescope, Netherlands during April.
- Additionally, one artwork from each participating country will do a solo Moonbounce.
- Remember, "World Night in Defense of the Starlight" is April 20. It's the special night to pay tribute and "Celebrate Starlight" worldwide! Most certainly, quickly forward children's artwork and/or photos made during "World Night" to complete this project!
- Deadline: April 21st, 2012
Send entries and inquiries to Audrey Fischer (Please include: "Celebrate Starlight - GAM2012" in the subject line). Notice: Submitting an entry gives automatic permission to post the artwork on websites, newspapers, etc.
“Celebrate Starlight” is a collaborative effort for Global Astronomy Month 2012 by OneStar at a Time, Dwingeloo Radio Observatory/CAMRAS, Opticks, Starlight Initiative and AlCon2012. Together we can increase awareness of the need to reduce light pollution so that today's and future generations will have access to starlight from their own backyard and the visible Milky Way within an hour's drive.