The event that EVERYONE (technically not true) has been waiting for has arrived: the live asteroid hunt! Due to some “hiccups” this highlight was put back to 22:00. And no-one seemed to know about it. Oana had the superb (or terrible, you decide) idea of nabbing a stash of Post-It notes and creating invitations to be distributed en masse.

What, you thought I was joking? Look, it’s a veritable production line.

Asteroid Hunt!
Live on the green section
Who could possibly ignore such an offer? Especially when they’re put on people’s keyboards / middle of monitors.

By unspoken agreement, Oana gave out the notes while I kept writing them. It was a good system. If I were to flutter my eyelashes while encouraging people to see incredible things, I’d be hospitalised in five minutes flat.

Fernando Ortuño was the master of ceremonies. Here he is logging onto the Bellatrix Observatory. Contrary to popular belief (and the hundreds of Post-It notes) it wasn’t actually an asteroid hunt as such... There was a change in programme due to weather, so Saturn was observed instead, as well as Mars, and the globular cluster M13 in Hercules. I can’t be sure, but I’m pretty sure I heard someone say “ooh” when some stuff was shown.

And a close up to finish on. So no asteroids were discovered. But at least we tried. DID YOU?