For 30 Days of Star Peace on April 17th members of Southern Maine Astronomers and Astronomical Society of Northern New England from Maine , and AWB member Mike Uberty from New York connected via Skype with Marcelo Souza and members of the Louis Cruls Astronomy Club in Brazil . The Maine clubs had wanted to show the Brazilian friends what the Northeast Telescope Forum (NEAF) was like, but were not able to make a connection from there, so they connected at their hotel room to Marcelo and his members at the observatory at his university. Marcelo and his friends showed us their telescopes and the observatory where they do observations. Making this connection was a lot of fun and gave us a real feeling of togetherness. We are all the same under one sky and it was a pleasure to connect with each other. Even when some of us had a little trouble with the language, the beautiful smiles from our hosts told more than words could.
Report by Joan ChamberlinSouthern Maine Astronomers
Astronomical Society of Northern New England in Maine
Photos by Michael Uberty
