GAM opened in Maine, USA with Southern Maine Astronomers from Portland, Maine on April 1st. The club was supposed to have the event at the Southworth Planetarium, but had to move to another location because of a conflict. We made the best of this by meeting at the house of member, George Whitney. The event was a conjunction of Venus and Mercury at sunset.

During the meeting, the group connected with Marcelo Souza from Brazil. Since it was very short notice, only Marcelo from his group was able to meet with us there on Skype. All the members took turns chatting with Marcelo and enjoying the opportunity to connect with a fellow astronomical enthusiast from far South of us. It was great to get the feeling of One People, One Sky. The meeting lasted about 20 minutes.

Reported by Joan Chamberlin, SMA Vice-President
Photos by Forrest Sumner, SMA President
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