A Semana Lunar do Mês Mundial da Astronomia 2012 decorreu entre os dias 1 e 7 de Abril, o OAPB escolheu o ultimo dia, Sábado dia 7, para comemorar este evento. Infelizmente o dia estava mau em termos de condições meteorológicas e no inicio da actividade o céu estava encoberto o que levou ao seu cancelamento, contudo o corpo organizativo manteve-se no local para confraternização e teve a sorte de verificar que a partir das 22:30 o céu limpou e ainda foi possível obter algumas imagens de planetas do sistema solar apesar do seeing estar péssimo.
The Lunar Week of Global Astronomy Month 2012 was performed between 1st April until 7th April, the OAPB chose the last day, Saturday day 7, to comemorate this event. Unfortunately the day was bad due to weather and at the begin of activity the sky was overcast which forced the event cancellation, however the people from organization still in the local for fraternization and had luck to verify that after 10:30 PM the sky become clear and was possible to make some photos from the planets of solar system even with the very bad seeing.
Por: Joaquim Gomes
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Location: | Vila Nova de Gaia - Porto , Sandim Portugal ![]() |