Nepal Astronomical Society (NASo) organized an event to mark SunDay, global program of GAM2010 here in Nepal on Sunday, April 11, 2010. The program was organized in H.B. Complex during 14:00-17:00 Hrs for the public to view the Sun through 8 Inch Dobsonian and some solar eclipse glasses. Unfortunately we could not show Sun spot to the participants during the event :-(
There were more than 50 participants of different ages with remarkable presence of women and children.
During the event, Rishi Shah, president of NASO explained to the public why NASO is conducting such outreach events in Nepal. Mr. Riwaj Pokhrel, AWB National Coordinator for Nepal, explained about the GAM2010 while Mr. Sudeep Neupane, Vice President of NASO and Mr. Suresh Bhattarai, Secretary of NASO and Mr. Rijendra Thapa guided the public for safe view of The SUN!

NASO officials

observing Sun

observing Sun with eclipse glasses
There were more than 50 participants of different ages with remarkable presence of women and children.
During the event, Rishi Shah, president of NASO explained to the public why NASO is conducting such outreach events in Nepal. Mr. Riwaj Pokhrel, AWB National Coordinator for Nepal, explained about the GAM2010 while Mr. Sudeep Neupane, Vice President of NASO and Mr. Suresh Bhattarai, Secretary of NASO and Mr. Rijendra Thapa guided the public for safe view of The SUN!

NASO officials

observing Sun

observing Sun with eclipse glasses
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