Always there is plan-B!
Location: Fakir Mirgasuri Private High School
Date: Sunday - April,11. 2010
Time: 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM local time.
By: Aso Razaq Salih
Translated: Azhy Hasan
Still there were clouds and muddy skies covered Erbil city and whole Iraq, but these things will not stop presentations.
Mr.Sherzad Ali Muhammad, our active member has volunteered to present an exciting subject about universe and the position of the sun, and then he turned to the born and the fate of the sun according o the recorded events in our galaxies.
This presentation takes nearby 1:30 minutes after plenty of questions by the audiences
About the sun and its effects on earth and the other planets, also the audiences were admired by the GAM events, especially Sun Day.
