Jogja Astro Club (JAC) from Indonesia participated in the Global Astronomy Month last night, April, 22 2010. From the dark site in Parangkusumo Beach of Yogyakarta, 12 members of this amateur community tried to observe the Lyrids Meteor Shower on the night peak. Actualy this is not good site because light pollution was pretty bad. Not only that, the weather also not friendly, clouds covered most of the sky. However, we only could seen a few of meteors. Exactly 12 meteor before the sky was full covered by thick clouds so that no stars was seen. . It was decided to end the expedition. And the result, 12 meteors for 12 observers.. not bad! Happy GAM
Contributed and photo by:
Mutoha Arkanuddin
Coordinator of Jogja Astro Club (JAC)
