Welcome to the Astropoetry Blog! Our intention here is to provide a venue and a forum where the poetry of the night sky can flourish.
We will start the blog with a mini-anthology written by a very active group of astronomer-poets in Romania, and continue it with new poems collected elsewhere and submitted by readers. Links to online collections and other resources-including notes on a few astropoetry-related books-will also be provided, plus a few examples of outstanding astropoems from major poets of the past.
We encourage you to contribute to this blog, either with your commentary on poems you see here, or with poems of your own. Whether or not you've ever written a poem before, take a look at some of the examples archived here, then think of some unique sight or feeling you've had in your acquaintance with the night sky-and put that feeling or insight into words.
In writing, I usually find that a brief poem (often three lines is enough) will express that moment of awe or new focus better than a more wordy one-though there is no hard-and-fast rule. As you look up at the sky, keep on the lookout for the unexpected, but with a relaxed eye: the unexpected Universe will come to you.
Bright stars behind stars not seen
As twilight deepens.
Bright ideas drifting by...
Some are listened to.
-Bob Eklund, Astropoetry Blog Editor