Telescopes to Tanzania project completes workshop series in Tanzania. More results and reports will be available in late December. Chuck and Susan Ruehle write to us with an update as they are heading home.


We are at the airport -- preparing to board -- we should arrive in Chicago tomorrow afternoon.
We had a great visit with the teachers and students at Kitafu primary -- one of the schools that participated in the Mwangaza workshops.
Attached are 3 photos - Chuck using an inflateable globe to show students how we live half way around the world from Tanzania; the teachers using AWB solar shades to view the sun; and the students showing us their mural of the solar system.  It was the only visual the teachers had for demonstrating astronomy matters to the students before Telescopes to Tanzania shared many resources -- including a Galileoscope and the inflatable globe with the school.
We will share more in the coming days, - please share this update with your networks.

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