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Visitors to Lake Tahoe have an opportunity to see different sorts of stars thanks to Tahoe Star Tours. The company offers stargazing tours from June through September, some of them with kayaking or a concert by a string quartet mixed in.

In addition, the Tahoe Star Tours will feature a number of special guest presenters this summer, including Mike Simmons, president and CEO of Astronomers Without Borders, who will speak Aug. 10 about AWB’s efforts to unite one people under one sky.  The tours are led by “star guide and poet” Tony Berendsen, who is president of the Northern Nevada Science Coalition.

Tahoe Star Tours has become a sponsor of Astronomers Without Borders, pledging a contribution to the organization for every star tour given over the next five years. “They’re supporting AWB because they believe in what we’re doing,” says Simmons.

Press release: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/6/prweb10791835.htm

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