Lunt Solar Systems newsThis hydrogen-alpha solar telescope is Lunt Solar Systems' most popular model so they are sold as soon as they come in.  You can purchase it now and it will ship as soon as it is in stock again.  There is only one available at this discounted price!  This complete visual package -- including a reinforced aluminimum case -- is fully upgradeable at anytime without ever needing to go back to the factory. The newest technology for fine tuning, a True Doppler Pressure Tuner, allows basic research of the Sun’s disk and surface details.

The Lunt Solar Systems eyepieces can be used in any telescope but are optimized for solar h-alpha viewing with telescopes like the 60mm H-alpha B600.  These special eyepieces are also discounted and stock is very limited. Lunt Solar Systems has generously donated a small number of these popular items to support Astronomers Without Borders programs.

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