As the Earth prepares for its first interplanetary photo shoot, Southern Stars has released brand new updates to its SkySafari apps for iOS, Android, and Mac OS X, to let viewers all around the world follow the occasion.
SkySafari's basic version will be free on the iTunes Store from July 19th through July 21st; it's normally USD $3 on the iTunes Store and Google Play. With SkySafari, observers around the globe can easily use their iPhone or Android's GPS, compass, and accelerometer to easily locate Saturn in the sky. A brand new release of SkySafari Plus and Pro (3.8.1) lets mobile app users fly to Saturn, and simulate the view from Cassini. These powerful apps will be offered at up to 25% off regular price on July 19th, the day of the event, through Sunday July 21st.
Because the public outreach surrounding The Day The Earth Smiled has global scope, Southern Stars will donate 15% of all app proceeds on July 19th to Astronomers Without Borders. AWB is coordinating grassroots outreach programs around the world in association with the event.
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