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If you missed the recent “Big Dipper to Southern Cross” worldwide observing events, you can still enjoy the photographs made by observers from around the world! Google+ hangout videos and images from both sessions of Big Dipper to Southern Cross are now posted.

Watch the hangout video of the Northern Hemisphere Online Observing session, hosted by Gianluca Masi on July 27, and enjoy 65 images made that night by users of the Virtual Telescope in Italy. More than 4,000 people from 126 countries logged in during the event.

Edward Gomez and Rob Hollow hosted the Southern Hemisphere Online Observing session August 3, using the Sutherland Observatory in South Africa. View their hangout video and take a look at a collection of images made that evening.

Big Dipper to Southern Cross was a project of Astronomers Without Borders, in partnership with Virtual Telescope and the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network.


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