Uwingu, a company formed by scientists to raise funds for space exploration and education, has announced a grant to Astronomers Without Borders. The grant was generated by Uwingu's new Mars Mapping Project, an innovative program of public engagement that Uwingu hopes will raise $10 million for space research.
Based on the response to the Mars Mapping Project so far, Uwingu is off to a fast start towards reaching that goal. And Astronomers Without Borders will create programs to help reach more astronomy and space enthusiasts around the world.
Dr. Alan Stern, the CEO of Uwingu, said, "We're very proud to award the first grant from our latest project to Astronomers Without Borders, an international organization dedicated to educating the public about astronomy."
Mike Simmons, President of Astronomers Without Borders, added, "Uwingu's mission of public engagement matches ours, and we encourage our members to participate in this project to publicly fund space exploration and education.”
More announcements will be coming soon from this new and dynamic partnership as Astronomers Without Borders extends its reach to the Red Planet, taking its members along for the ride.
The complete press release is available here (PDF).