Telescopes to Tanzania is packing. Clothes and personal items get squished between the important stuff. Generous donors have made it possible for us to take 5 more telescopes, at least 4 microscopes, light benches, lenses, prisms, maps, spectroscopes, a few books, sky maps, and whatever we can squeeze into 6 suitcases weighing up to 50 pounds each!!
Sue Packing gear: Sue packs a suitcase with science equipment for the Centre for Science Education as the Ruehle’s prepare for another month of teaching in Tanzania.
In just 2 weeks, 14 teachers will gather in Usa River Tanzania to begin to explore using the new equipment to teach “Hands on” –inquiry based learning skills. They will develop ideas and plans for teachers in 24 schools in Tanzania based on the government required curriculum. The theme for this important week is Astronomy a Gateway to the Sciences.
Equipment Staging: 200 pounds of teaching resources are being readied to be packed for the Centre for Science Education and Observatory in Tanzania