AWB Update - August 17, 2019 at 1:06 PM Today Elineema, Zacharia, and I applied a water-based polyeurethane to the observatory floor. It took three weeks to find a shop with this product, and the cost was ludicrously high (more than $80 USD per gallon). We purchase four gallons, but could have used six. I was nervous for the application, for I have worked with similar products on wood, but not terrazzo. As anticipated it soaked it up like a sponge.
We did our best, working with what we had, and in the end, it is a vast improvement, giving the observatory a truly professional appearance, that final touch that gives our young astronomers a sense of "home".
It is my belief and experience that if a physical building is built with the very hands who are using it, there is a sense of ownership and pride. And if that same building is beautiful, warm, and inviting, people want to remain inside. We have accomplished both, a true team effort.
Eliatosha once again traveled more than two hours round trip and Pendaeli was successful in securing a book cabinet and new table (Thank you Ailanga!) for the far wall, adjacent to the 12" telescope. it is high, solid, and ideal for sky charts, books, and eyepieces while observing.
We replaced the TV on the wall, built a storage cabinet from one of the two remaining shipping containers and a printer table (to be carpeted) from the final. It's really coming together!
Monday is our big day, a full MMAO / Telescopes to Tanzania Astronomy Ambassadors meeting from 1 pm 'till into an observing session at night.
View Kai's Facebook page here.