Do you have a question about the Moon? Ask a Space Scientist! Professor Bernard Foing, a Space Scientist at the European Space Agency, will be answering your questions about the Moon from now till 15 May 2011.
Perhaps you have always wondered what the Moon is made of, or how the Moon was formed, or even how humans or robots might explore the Moon in the future.
The answers to the best questions will be posted on the GAM website.
Remember to provide your email address. Without it we will not be able to send you an answer to your question. We will do our best to respond to all the questions that are submitted however this may not be possible due to a high volume of questions.
Submit your question here!
Professor Bernard H. Foing:
Space Scientist at the European Space Agency (ESA) Born in France, Bernard is a graduate from the prestigious Ecole Normale Supérieure of Education and Technology and became Professor Agrégé of Physical Sciences. He obtained his PhD in Astrophysics and Space Techniques working on a sounding rocket ultraviolet camera experiment at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), France. Following his PhD studies Bernard spent 3 years in Chile as an astronomer at the European Southern Observatory and then returned to CNRS, France. In 1993 he joined ESA as a staff scientist, where his varied roles have included being a co-investigator for a number of missions such as; Mars Express and COROT. Bernard has edited 18 books and organised over 50 international conferences as well as published over 170 refereed scientific papers including a number about lunar and planetary science. In addition, Bernard was the Project Scientist for SMART-1 (or here for more in-depth scientific information), the first ever European spacecraft to travel to the Moon, and in addition to his continued research, he serves now as Executive Director of the International Lunar Exploration Working Group (ILEWG).
Wonder what kind of Careers and technology transfer exists in Space Exploration?
Careers at the European Space Agency
Technology Transfer at the European Space Agency
Careers in the Space Industry
Look to the future: Careers in Space
Want to become a researcher .. here a few ideas:
Moon Zoo - study the lunar surface in unprecedented detail.
Map-a-Planet - explore global imagery of the planets and satellites from a variety of missions in an easy to use web interface. Customize and download your own image maps of the Moon, Mars, Venus, and other planets and moons.
Visit our MoonDays NewTech page for more ideas on possibilities for research.
Tell us more about your own ideas. We will be glad to review them and add to this list. Send them to [email protected]