Event Reports
Beauty Behind the Clouds

Tic-tac, tic-tac... our clock was ticking, cause pretty there, in that evening, my Wife Sonia and I were moving to a meeting. Our car rushed fastly, toward darkened streets and... Read More...
Internacional Observe a Noite da Lua
Observando a Lua… em uma nova perspectiva!!! Astrônomos profissionais e amadores, clubes de astronomia, planetários, centros de ciência e todos os entusiastas da astronomia em todo o mundo estão convidados... Read More...
The Stars Know Our Names
Arcturus, Betelgeuse, Mintaka, Sirius, Deneb, Procyon…. we have named the stars for eons, out there in the heavens, so distant and powerful, naming and mapping them until we think we... Read More...
Night of the Shooting Stars

Let me tell you a bit about the Nuit des Etoiles Filantes (Night of the Shooting Stars) and , no, it is not an Italian movie, it's a real 20... Read More...
Nights of the shooting stars ! Nuits des Etoiles Filantes

This year is the 20th year of the Nights of the Shooting Stars, started in France as "Nuits des étoiles filantes" back in 1990, with a live TV show at... Read More...
Noche Internacional de Observación Lunar
VER A LA LUNA… ¡con toda una nueva luz! Astrónomos Profesionales y Aficionado, Clubes de Astronomía, Planetarios, Centros de Ciencia y todos los entusiastas por la astronomía a nivel mundial... Read More...
Global Astronomy Month 2010 - Maunakea, Hawai'i
For the month of April 2010 (GAM) I and my colleague Kala Babayan initiated a collaboration between Astronomers without Borders, 'Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawai'i and The Onizuka Visitor's Center... Read More...
Report: 3rd Seasons without Borders
The 3rd "Seasons without Borders" (SwB) concluded successfully last June 2010 celebrating the beginning of winter/summer seasons in the southern and northern hemispheres. In typical AWB tradition, groups from Brazil,... Read More...

As my first post I would like to announce the projects of my local Amateur astronomers group - CASB - Clube de Astronomia de Brasília. This month we will keep... Read More...

Hi friends! I want to start this blog with full acknowledgments and congratulations to this organization, this wonderful initiative - ASTRONOMERS WITHOUT BORDERS. Thanks to them we could feel the... Read More...
Two Star Parties in Canada to celebrate SwB3
We actually ended up doing two “Seasons Without Borders” Star Parties to represent Canada; one on Sunday June 20th and the other on Tuesday June 22nd. The first took place... Read More...
Another Sidewalk Session....
What is the purpose of building astronomy awareness ? To whom we should build this awareness. We always said it's for everyone and we also hoped they could enjoy astronomy... Read More...
Sidewalk Astronomy While Hanging Out? Why Not?
Blogging.. yai I'm blogging again. Well quiet busy for a moment to setup my weblog new lay out and working on its mobile website. You can check it here ;).... Read More...
International Observe the Moon Night
(This is the AWB-InOMN page. The main InOMN site is at http://observethemoonnight.org/ ) SEEING THE MOON... in a whole new light 2009 was a very big year for lunar exploration.... Read More...
UNAWE - Romania celebrated "Match Under Starlight"
Report by Catalina Movileanu For the "Match Under Starlight" project, the “Angela Gheorghiu” School from Adjud, Vrancea, in collaboration with UNAWE Romania, organized on July 7th a football game to... Read More...
Irish Children on the Carina Nebula
On Friday April 30, Deirdre Kelleghan and the Hubble 20th Anniversary print visited Jane Ahern's 4 th class at St Brigids National School in Greystones Co, Wicklow, Ireland. Deirdre was... Read More...
Three Famous Astropoems From the 19th Century
One of the most famous astropoems in the U.K. is: TWINKLE TWINKLE LITTLE STAR by Jane Taylor (1806) Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Up above... Read More...
Poor little Pluto Icy, round, and cute The IAU demoted you! They've given you the boot! You haven't cleared your neighborhood. Your orbit's off the plane. You encroach on Neptune's... Read More...
Making the Wonder of Science Our Own
THIRTY-ONE YEARS AGO, on February 26, 1979, a total eclipse of the Sun was visible across the State of Washington and points eastward. I remember it vividly because I experienced... Read More...
Astropoetry Blog
Crescent moon over ocean by Virginia Hoge The Astropoetry Blog is about to begin its fourth year of publication. It's a good time to pause and reflect on how this... Read More...