Event Reports
Live images of the total lunar eclipse

This live online viewing event is past. Watch for more online viewing opportunities from our partner observatories. A free, live webcast from Bareket Observatory in Israel will feature the total... Read More...
Block RAM9 - Invitacion Noche Internacional de Observar la Luna 18-09-2010
Saludos a todos los foristas de AWB : Les remito la informacion acerca del evento internacional a efectuase el proximo Sabado 18092010 a cual todos estan invitados a sumarse. Atte... Read More...
How Haggai Institute Has Influenced a Brazilian Astronomer
A Brazilian astronomer, Eduardo Baldaci de Lima, one of the only four astronomers recognized by the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA), has described how God used his training in... Read More...
Mato Grosso´s Sidewalk Astronomer
Look Forward in this link http://astronomobaldaci.blogspot.com/
Is this the right choice for a beginner

Hi, I'm planning to purchase a 4" maksutov cassegrain computerized telescope as a starter. Probably a Meade or Celestron make. Any suggestions? Read More...
Is Technology Spoiling the Simple Art of Star Gazing?
Today there is an IT gadget for just about every aspect of observing the heavens. Go To technology is no longer an added luxury but a standard part of most... Read More...
Moon & Culture
The goal of this project is to bring together the unique cultural perspectives from across the world of our closest neighbor in space, the moon. Every culture on earth has... Read More...
Great way to see the Total Lunar Eclipse in Lapland
December 19-21 2010 in Vuollerim Sweden. They are hosting a Blue Lights Festival to showcase the Total Lunar Eclipse, Arctic Blue Light and Northern Lights that will all be appearing... Read More...
"Whatever happens and whatever wounded and separated, but we are in the last one family and now we met again!" said Mona Anbar, the astronomer researcher from Kuwait. One People,... Read More...
Project Council
The Project Council is a working group that considers new project ideas, oversees ongoing projects and maintains an overall strategy for AWB projects. The Project Council is chaired by the... Read More...
Perseids over Ireland
The Universe skips shiny tinys off the Earth's bubble. Sketch is done using , Pastel ,Conte and a White Gel Pen on Black Mounting Board Here is a key to... Read More...
International Observe the Moon Night Italian version
Vedere la Luna…. sotto una nuova luce! Astronomi professionisti e appassionati, associazioni amatoriali, planetari, science center e curiosi del cielo sono invitati a celebrare la compagna celeste della Terra, la... Read More...
International Observe the Moon Night - Arabic Translation
الرصد العالمي لليلة القمر 18 أيلول 2010 المختصون والهواة، الاندية الفلكية، القبب الفلكية،المراكز العلمية و كل محبي علم الفلك في العالم مدعوون للاحتفال برفيق الارض الفضائي، القمر، في يوم السبت... Read More...
Après avoir autour du soleil tourné

Après avoir autour du soleil tourné Pendant des millions d’années. Après s’être de la comète détaché Et dans le froid espace vogué Cette poussière s’est dirigée vers la Terre. La... Read More...
A Perseid

Slamming into the atmosphere In a slap-smacking belly flop A tiny grain of meteoroid sand Dives through space Vaporizing Lighting the sky until It slips into the water of dark... Read More...
Meteor Poetry
-essay by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe- The Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM), as both a member of the International Meteor Organization and Astronomers Without Borders, salutes the new Perseid... Read More...
An August Morn
Body embraced by an old lawn chair, bare feet nestled in cold, dewy grass, drowsy eyes focus on an ancient patch of sky where Perseus attempts to liberate Andromeda, and... Read More...
Thank you Perseid for waking me up
Waking up, fall back to sleep Waking up, fall back to sleep What is waking me up? Is there something I should be doing? Ok I'm awake now, I will... Read More...
Noaptea interna?ional? pentru observarea Lunii
Privind Luna… dintr-o cu totul altă lumină! Astronomi profesioniști și amatori, cluburi de astronomie, planetarii, centre de știință și oameni de pretutindeni pasionați de astronomie sunt invitați să o celebreze... Read More...
I Sit Out in the Night

I sit out in the night watch the starlite colors blue orange white. from out of Perseus comes my delight bright streaks of sweet light up down left right from... Read More...