Event Reports
The Moon hides over Ireland
All seven moon viewing events in Ireland were clouded out, everyone was very disappointed not to be part of InOMN 2010. They all called for the event to be more... Read More...
InOMN broadcasting setup
Here is the illustration of how we do what we do. The moon on the ceiling is a rough composite to show the setup. The camera/adapter/lense combination is a temporary... Read More...
InOMN in San Martin Square, Argentina
With much difficulty with wind and clouds, we manage to put a telescope in San Martin Square for InOMN. We also had three radio interviews: FM Brisas, 10 minutes AM... Read More...
InOMN video from Levin, NZ
Well, a rotten night over much of New Zealand for InOMN, but we went ahead with the indoor portion of our event in Levin anyway. Only a small number of... Read More...
InOMN images of NZ and Australian activity
Broadcast the moon about 40 mins after local moonrise, as soon as it got above the mountains and clouds. Had massive gales and rain and long blue clear patches, a... Read More...
Descubren el primer planeta potencialmente habitable fuera del Sistema Solar
Washington, 29 sep (EFE).- Astrónomos de Estados Unidos han descubierto el primer planeta fuera del Sistema Solar que cumple con las condiciones de temperatura y gravedad para ser potencialmente habitable.... Read More...
Eleven Tranquil Sea "for all mankind" Our fallen leader's dream Apollo by Bill Moser (Pennsylvania, U.S.A.) Read More...
Full or new Shadows dimming our sky lights Lunar or solar by Bill Moser ( Pennsylvania , U.S.A.) Read More...
Meteorite Hunting
Can you imagine my delight When I found a meteorite? A beautiful celestial stone To call my very own! So shiny, black and bright, Falling from the starry night. But:... Read More...
The Irish Meteor Observer
I want to see some shooting stars But all I do is sit in bars. You want to know the reason why I just can never see the sky? Maybe... Read More...
La Luna Durmió Conmigo
- Poem by Luis Lloréns Torres, translated by Carmen Pantoja This poem by one of Puerto Rico’s best-loved poets was sent to us by Dr. Carmen Pantoja, a member of... Read More...
Three Jiggers of Moonshine
The Moon rocks The Moon rolls The Moon swings round its poles. By Deirdre Kelleghan (AWB NC for Ireland) There once was a crater named Tycho That happily shouted “My... Read More...
Seasons Without Borders on The Big Island of Hawai’i
Equinox at Hilo Intermediate School The autumnal equinox is upon us and presents an excellent opportunity for Astronomers Without Borders to once again collaborate with ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center of Hawai'i... Read More...
InOMN 2010 Nicaragua, Brief Report
On Saturday, September 18th, 2010, the Nicaraguan Amateur Astronomers Society (ANASA) took position on Galerias Santo Domingo, a public and crowded mall in the outskirts of Managua, Nicaragua. The event... Read More...
There was clouds, a heavy one right after noon of September 18.2010, it takes only few hours after a thunder storm with heavy showers, local dusty strong wind blow and... Read More...
Iraqis and Gulf people together…Welcomed the Giant Planet!
It was truly very wonderful evening and very different than in the (InOMN) event at 09/18/2010. Jupiter, was at the closest point to Earth on 20 and 09.21.2010 and the... Read More...
Romanian Lunar Poetry
the Moon for earthlings - first nocturnal argument of the Universe Yes indeed, the Moon has always been a great source of inspiration for poets, and members of the Romanian... Read More...
International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN) 2010

Hello all, Yesterday september started earlier in the late afternoon ; I went to Dinant in the Ardennes to join a Moon party! The Cercle Astronomique Mosan organized a Moon... Read More...
Everything is ready for the International Observe the Moon Night 2010 in Nicaragua
With only few hours to go, ANASA is ready to participate in the largest Lunar Observing event of the World in 2010. If weather permits, we will install 4 telescopes... Read More...
Live images of the Moon during InOMN 2010

Live images of the Moon from around the world during International Observe the Moon Night Tune in to see the Moon from sites around the world. The broadcasters below are... Read More...